Who we are


Who we ARE




Our Story

Our church here in Salisbury was started in April 1995 with just four people meeting in a hired room in Salt Lane.

Exactly 5 years later we were able to move our meetings to our own building, just a few yards away on the corner of Endless Street. This became the home of the ‘Endless Life’ Cafe for the next 10 years, with our church meetings being held in the room above.

In January 2006 our main meeting transferred to St. Osmund’s School where we have been meeting ever since, except when Covid-19 came along. The school is situated in Carmelite Way on The Friary estate, where we have become involved in the local community, organising various events and clubs for children and young people.

Apart from this, we hold prayer meetings and informal gatherings in various homes.

Our Relationships

Our church (The Fellowship) is part of a national group known as Assemblies of God – a fellowship of over 500 autonomous Pentecostal churches located throughout Great Britain.

Locally, we have close links with other evangelical churches who actively co-operate on a variety of joint activities, including prayer meetings, celebrations and outreach events.

The church / fellowship is led and pastored by John Holme, an expository preacher, delivering sound doctrine, and is very approachable.  John is an excellent conversationalist and dynamic leader, he also goes out of his way to love, protect and empower his fellowship.

Our People

Our much loved & caring pastor, John Holme.

We have a very varied congregation.  Some have been homeless or in prison, whilst others have been very successful business people.  With lots of others in between!

Some of our people have other Christian ministry outside our church:
Kathryn Day (known to us as Roz)  has her own evangelistic ministry, conducting gospel and healing crusades around the world.  www.rkdayministries.org.uk
– John Holme as well as leading & pastoring the Church, John is National Co-ordinator for Operation Great Britain, raising awareness of moral issues and engaging the Church to influence national policy. 
– Glenda Pike is the Practice Manager at the Lightship Christian Counselling Service in Salisbury.  www.lightshipcounselling.org
– Tony Ballinger has begun a ministry to explain scripture in simple terms.  https://www.youtube.com/@Toncor12
– Tony Wilson holds a number of positions on boards of reference or as a trustee for several churches and Christian ministries

Our Mission & Approach

Our purpose as a fellowship is to share the love and power of God with everyone we meet.  The fellowship is equipped and empowered by the Holy Spirit to heal, deliver, and transform lives.  Although we are a diverse group of people, we are united, vibrant, and a generous community.  Worshiping God in spirit and in truth. Loving God, people and making disciples is what our fellowship is all about.  Our heart is to partner with God in transforming Salisbury and beyond through prayer, evangelism, and social action.