Join Us
Sunday at 10:45am
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Join us on Sundays at 10:45am.
We could tell you all kinds of reasons why you should join us on Sunday mornings at 10:45 for the main service (or 9:00 am if you wanted to join us for Adult Sunday School) :-
That we are a vibrant fellowship of Christian believers.
That you would be very, very welcome. (that 2nd very does sound a little sycophantic).
That the coffee is good – or not, dependant on what you are used to.
That you will experience Heaven on Earth – you probably won’t, especially if the technology lets us down.)
But we are not going to make such promises. In fact we encourage you to go elsewhere – if for any other reason than you have been led to come along by the Spirit of God (if you don’t know what that means – we can help), or you are genuinely seeking to know The Truth (that’s Jesus) about: life, death, the universe, where we came from and where we are ultimately going.
Oh! and also how you can personally know absolute peace in a troubled world, long with amazing Joy to sustain you through the trials of life, and an overwhelming sense of God’s presence and love in and around your life where every trial that ‘life’ (notice small l, not Jesus) throws against you you can count as nothing.
* (Conditions apply)
That said, we are a Christian fellowship, registered with the Charity Commission, and if you really want to come along for some other reason, we won’t stop you. BTW – we start at 10.45 @ St Osmund’s School, Carmelite Way, Salisbury SP1 2SG. Latecomers will be publicly flogged (just kidding).
The only thing we can promise you is that you will hear the bible preached with passion and accuracy, and have a chance to meet people whose lives God has and is changing.We do meet at other times for prayer and to study the bible, which you might be invited to – but only if we like you. ????
NB. All of the claims made above can be substantiated by an understanding and personal application to New Testament, biblical truth.
I Speak Jesus, in 2022, @ The Pentecostals of Alexandria (Louisiana)
Let Charity Gayle & Co, minister to you, with these heart felt lyrics about our amazing saviour Jesus Christ, that will surely bless you today!